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Welcome to the BGTV575 North Brazos Valley GMRS Repeater.
Sponsored by BubbasGarageTv™.

As outdoor enthusiast and overlanders we began our transitions into GMRS communications back in 2019. During our journey we found more and more overlanders and off-road enthusiast in our travel areas switching to this means of communication.

Therefore the BGTV575 GMRS repeater was born, in an effort to help grow the local GMRS community.

Did you know that getting YOUR CALL SIGN on the web is easy? Whether you are looking for a fully custom website, a wordpress site or just want to point your call sign to facebook. The good folks over at Skyruscor can make it happen. So what are you waiting for check em out!

Repeater Information:
Name: BGTV575
Frequency: 462.575
Tone: 94.8

Repeater Commands:
*81 -> Local Time & Temp.
*94 -> Sponsor Information.

Check out the BubbasGarageTv shop for Made in Texas outdoor adventure gear.

The Pledge of Allegiance
Vintage Texas
Texas Tread 1845
Free Because of the Brave


2024-08-25 Update
Went out and added another solar panel this weekend. We hope to get another 3 more if not at least 2 more added this fall. This should help with the power demand during the heat of the summer.

2024-08-19 Update
The FCC recently updated the wording on their website, providing additional clarification that linking GMRS repeaters is not allowed. This repeater has not been linked since September of 2023 and will continue operating as a standalone repeater.

2023-11-03 Update
We built a new inner shack with new AC and a 3kw Bluetti power system. We have taken this out to the barn for some off-grid power testing for the next couple of months.

2023-09-01 Update
The Carlos 725 repeater is now back up and operational. Therefore the BGTV575 repeater is no longer linked to the Texas GMRS Network. In addition we have increased the power output of the repeater to 30 watts.

2023-07-13 Update
Currently the Carlos 725 repeater is experiencing some technical difficulties. We have linked up the BGTV575 with the Texas GMRS Network for the time being. This repeater can be reached between Hwy 6 at University to Hearne.

2022-12-09 Update
After further consideration, Bobbie and I have decided to keep the repeater dedicated to local traffic with the occasional link up. We may change this at a later date, however for now we will keep things rolling as they are.

2022-11-28 Update
This week is dedicated to local ag traffic.

2022-11-13 Update
We have sensitive ears. A few minor but major improvements were made to the repeater’s receive line. This should greatly improve the repeaters reception. Let us know how it works for you.

2022-09-19 Update
Yesterday, Sunday the 18th we were not able to join the regional hub for check-ins. This seems to have been a result of an issue on the myGMRS Network. To help ensure that this repeater can continuously receive Texas traffic. We are now linked in to the main Texas GMRS Network hub. Keep in mind we can and will disconnect when needed or upon request for local traffic.

2022-09-17 Update
The wife and I were able to install 2 of the 3 additional tower sections this weekend. We are excited about the new additions. Unfortunately we just weren’t able to add the 3rd section and might need to call in some reinforcements when we decide to take that one on. The good news is that with some testing we show that by handheld the coverage has increased an additional 5 miles. More testing and updates to come in the near future. It’s always a work in progress.

2022-08-15 Update
Over the weekend we installed the 40 foot tower and put the repeater back online. With some light testing it seems that the current coverage is about a 10 mile radius. We continue to have plans to replace the tower with one of improved height. Right now budget constraints and time are not on our side. The repeater is currently running at 25 watts and linked to the myGMRS network so that we can run it through its paces.

2022-07-06 Update
We are getting closer. We had hoped to install a new tower at this location. However, the new tower we had sourced has some problems and will not work out. In the upcoming weeks we will install the original 40 foot setup to help get the system back online for now.

2022-05-17 Update
We will be relocating the repeater to North Brazos County. About 10 miles east down tabor road. Please bear with us during this transition, this process could take a couple of months.

2022-02-10 Update
We have install the Commit GP9. Please let us know your thoughts and feedback on how things are working for you [here]. We still hope to install the db408 in the very near future. With supply issues and delays we figured best to move forward with something more cost effective and sustainable at this time.

2022-02-06 Update

Heads up! This coming Saturday February the 12th, 2022; we will be swapping out the current antenna on the BGTV575 repeater with a commit GP9.

2022-01-27 Update

The BGTV575, College Stations south side repeater is officially linked to the myGMRS Network. Though we are still undergoing updates to raise the tower and install the DB408 feel free to jump on and say Howdy to our fellow Texas GMRS Network friends.

2021-01-14 Update

First up we have temporarily dropped the power down by 50% while we prepare for a few future upgrades.

In the upcoming weeks we will be working on getting connected to the myGMRS & the Texas GMRS Network.

Meanwhile, we are also working and have the necessary approval to raise the current tower location an additional 20 feet. During this time we will be installing all new hardline as well as the Commscope DB408-B antenna and upgrade all required grounding equipment.

2021-08-05 Update

The BGTV575 GMRS Repeater is born.